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How the Metaverse will Affect Deep Technology

Katarina von Horn, the Partner and Client Director of Swedish metaverse startup Warpin Media
Katarina von Horn, the Partner and Client Director of Swedish metaverse startup Warpin Media

The metaverse has become a trending topic thanks to big companies like Facebook who are pouring millions into the industry. In order for the metaverse to successfully launch, its integrated technologies need to be fully developed. According to Katarina von Horn, the Partner and Client Director of Swedish metaverse startup Warpin Media: “The metaverse is being built in AR and VR and using AI.” Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are just a few of the deep technologies that are essential to a successful metaverse. Deep technology refers to specialized technology that is designed and used to overcome significant challenges in engineering and science. Deep technology includes other industries like robotics, supercomputers, and quantum technology. The deep technology markets are already swelling with capital and will continue to rise with the interest in the metaverse. 

Warpin Media is an expert at balancing these technologies to make successful metaverse products. Founded in 2016, Warpin Media works with clients to develop successful VR on AR platforms that users can interact within a virtual setting. “Warpin has built and invested in a VR training platform-called Xelevate-which allows users to easily create, use, and scale their VR training,” von Horn explained. As the metaverse is designed to run in a virtual environment, the VR and AR industries are the most heavily impacted by the interest in the metaverse. “The Metaverse will-and is- already making a huge impact on the VR industry,” von Hom stated. “It is proving to be a strong driving force in the adoption of VR into our everyday lives, accelerating change at an unprecedented speed.”

But VR isn’t the only deep technology industry being affected by the metaverse. The AI industry is also seeing a large increase in funding as well. As the metaverse will both generate and use large amounts of data, AI systems are needed to process this information. AI can make metaverse currencies more manageable as well as help customize a virtual experience based on a user’s data. With AI’s machine learning processes, the metaverse can move more efficiently and smoothly. “We will be able to move seamlessly between apps, games, and the internet in 3D,” von Horn said. As AI technology is already being used by many companies globally, it won’t be difficult for it to be accepted into the realm of the metaverse. 

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Another deep technology that is tied to the metaverse is blockchain. Blockchain will contribute to the backbone of the metaverse, as it can help with virtual currencies and privacy. Blockchain is a specialized shared database where data is processed in a way that guarantees security and authenticity. Within the metaverse, many virtual currencies like bitcoin are being used to buy and sell goods. Some of these goods are NFTs, non-fungible tokens, which also utilize blockchain technology to ensure genuine value. Blockchain will be used in combination with AI to help process information in a secure way. For those worried about the privacy of metaverse users, blockchain is a technology that can help assuage these fears.

In order for the metaverse to properly function, these technologies need to be developed further. Because of these moving pieces, the timeline of the metaverse’s official launch may be slowed significantly. Most of these deep technologies, like AI and blockchain, are already being used by companies, but are not yet designed to help run a future metaverse. This in turn will create interesting engineering and design challenges to program these technologies to be more standardized for the metaverse’s programming. 

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When: July 13, 2023 at 11:30am

What: GenMat Webinar

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