Virtual real estate has become a trending topic recently as individuals and companies are spending millions to stake a claim to land in the Sandbox or Decentraland platforms. Much like the current housing market, the virtual real estate market is growing significantly, with many companies offering virtual properties for anyone to purchase. Companies can buy virtual locations for their stores or restaurants, while individuals can buy properties to build luxurious virtual homes on. Virtual properties, while expensive, offer the ability to experiment with architecture and design just not possible in the real world. For companies selling these properties, these opportunities are quite lucrative. One of these companies is SuperWorld, a metaverse company selling virtual land in the form of NFTs. According to CEO and founder Hrish Lotlikar: “We at SuperWorld aspire to build a better world through the empowerment of community members and creatives globally.”
The company began from Lotlikar’s study of the changing social and market trends. “About five years ago, I co-founded Rogue Initiative Studios, a Hollywood film, TV, gaming, and immersive entertainment studio (partnering with Hollywood director Michael Bay),” Lotlikar explained. “It got me thinking about cross-platform content creation and immersive experiences. Then the Pokémon GO craze took off and I was intrigued by its ability to engage a wider audience using AR, thinking about how to incorporate not just gaming, but other realms like fashion and the music industry, or educational institutions and charitable organizations.” From there, Lotlikar designed his company to fuse the real and virtual worlds together. “By creating an immersive environment in the real world, I recognized the potential of a virtual world platform with a vision toward real-world activity,” he said.
As a metaverse company, SuperWorld stands out by giving a variety of products to users. “Whether through our virtual real estate platform, NFT Salon, or mobile app, we are always working on improving our offerings to provide the community with one-of-a-kind experiences,” stated Lotlikar. SuperWorld doesn’t just offer any real estate, but virtual NFT replicas of some of the most famous sites in the world, from the Egyptian Pyramids to Machu Picchu. Using the Ethereum Blockchain, users can buy and sell these NFT properties, while also accessing a whole other NFT market. This allows users to create their own individual NFT shops, but also to have access to the latest and most exclusive NFTs in the market. In collaborating with NFT creators, SuperWorld has one of the largest selections of NFTs for anyone to purchase. They even offer an AR mobile app to add an extra flair to real-world surroundings.

Working within this industry, Lotlikar has many predictions for how this industry will shift in the future. “Very soon, employers from all spheres and industries will be able to (and have to account for) our newfound ability to invent new products or enhance existing ones in the real world using AR filters and frameworks,” he explained. “To this end, we have given marketing back to the individual who may curate his/her/their retail goods or services to a targeted built-in community. Along with blockchain technology and its integration into various systems, we’re going to see a paradigm shift in industries as diverse as arts, entertainment, politics, medicine, education, banking, and of course tech to name a few.” In order to foster these changes, the team at SuperWorld is planning to expand their platform to offer a larger selection of NFTs as well as monetization opportunities, carving their niche in the virtual space.
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