Meta-Builders Unveils Brand’s Guide to the Metaverse

Insider Brief:

  • Meta-Builders have launched a new platform as a way to give asynchronous, decentralized developers who are currently building blockchain technologies a home.
  • Meta-Builders is targeting businesses that wish to engage more fully in the shifting economy as Web3 integrations continue to become more popular.
  • Meta-Builders Founder Mike Smart says Meta-Builders’ goal is to help businesses create unique virtual spaces to promote their brand and content in the metaverse.

PRESS RELEASE — CALIFORNIA CITY, Calif./Aug. 26, 2022 /(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With the Metaverse, Web3, Blockchain, and NFTs, brands are wondering how they can get involved.

Meta-Builders have launched a new platform as a way to give asynchronous, decentralized developers who are currently building blockchain technologies a home. The platform and community Meta-Builders has built encourages the free exchange of ideas and labor across projects.

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Meta-Builders are targeting businesses that wish to engage more fully in the shifting economy as Web3 integrations continue to become more popular. Meta-Builders offer a range of services to that end, including building custom technologies and platforms that blend traditional and blockchain-based commerce.

The Metaverse is a new online experience that comes with a base money layer and many of the features consumers have come to expect from more familiar technologies. People are betting big on the Web 3 technology that allows these experiences because engagement is better here. Even the properties of digital ownership are different.

Non-fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are bearer bonds for arbitrary data.

  • The blockchain makes it impossible to forge ownership of an asset.
  • Each NFT asset has a smart contract address that is independently verifiable on-chain.
  • NFTs represent the ownership of assets on the blockchain.

From Facebook to Nike and even Epic Games, big brands are flocking to Web3 to make their operations more efficient via Web3. Meta-Builders is here to help smaller or new brands do the same thing.

Meta-Builders Make It Easier for Brands to Enter the Metaverse

Meta-Builders are a team of highly skilled artists, developers and virtual construction contractors. Meta-Builders are a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) bringing you NFTs, Cryptocurrency, Digital Construction, Smart Contracts and Marketing. Together, Meta-Builders developers, marketers, and coordinators bring maximum impact to brands seeking to get involved in the Metaverse and keep up with the changing times. It is rare for one organization to be able to offer so many different services, but another benefit of Web3 is that talented builders know who to contact when they need work because everything is closer here.

Meta-Builders Founder Mike Smart says it best: “Meta-Builders’ goal is to help businesses create unique virtual spaces to promote their brand and content in the metaverse. Meta-Builders offers project creation and management, art curation and design, digital real estate building and leasing, and NFT project implementation.”

At Meta-Builders, experts help businesses increase brand awareness in the Metaverse, help create customized NFTs in order to expand reach in the Metaverse, and continue to help in the promotion of NFTs through adverts on social media, articles and the like. It is of no doubt that Web3 is a new internet full of new opportunities.

SOURCE: Meta-Builders

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James Dargan

James Dargan Is A Writer And Researcher At The Metaverse Insider. His Focus Is On The QC Startup Ecosystem And He Writes Articles On The Space That Have A Tone Accessible To The Average Reader.

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