2024: Diverse Insights into the Metaverse – Part 2 of Predictions

a black and gold maze with the number 4200 in it
a black and gold maze with the number 4200 in it

As we anticipate the Metaverse in 2024, this piece concludes part 2 of predictions from experts about the trends predicted for next year with an emphasis on Industrial with key insights from Siemens, Bentley Systems, and Aveva.

Siemens’ vision underscores a significant upswing in Industrial Metaverse adoption driven by digital transformation leaders. Their focus on enhancing Digital Twin experiences and integrating decision-support co-pilots speaks volumes about the imminent innovations in IMV applications.

“Companies, particularly those at the forefront of digital transformation, will drive the momentum,” states Theodoros Papadopoulos, Program Manager Simulation & Digital Twin and John Heidorn, Vice president of Analyst Relations for Digital Industries at Siemens.

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Siemens, emphasizing the anticipated surge in Industrial Metaverse adoption. They foresee more immersive Digital Twin experiences and the integration of decision-support co-pilots as key advancements.

AVEVA’s Simon Bennett anticipates substantial strides post the 2023 Meta meltdown. AVEVA’s projection of real progress in the Industrial Metaverse hinges on the exploration of live data streaming.

“AVEVA foresees real Industrial Metaverse progress,” he notes, emphasizing the critical analysis of metaverse concepts. Live data streaming is poised to unlock applications ranging from design reviews to operational simulations, marking a transformative leap within the IMV.

Luis Bravo Martins, CMO of Kit-AR, sheds light on the industry’s shift towards “Spatial computing.” He underscores the impact of spatialized data and digital twins within the industrial metaverse, signaling a broader acknowledgment of its influence.

This segment, concludes Part 2 of our predictions, offering a concise yet comprehensive view of the Metaverse as we enter 2024.

For more market insights, check out our latest Digital Twin news here.

The Future of Materials Discovery: Reducing R&D Costs significantly with GenMat’s AI and Machine Learning Tools

When: July 13, 2023 at 11:30am

What: GenMat Webinar

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Jake Vikoren

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Araceli Venegas

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Jack Boreham

Jack Boreham is the editorial director and account executive at the Digital Twin Insider: the leading digital twin publication globally. Jack has been at the forefront of the platform's growth as a digital twin specialist - writing and advising projects in the Digital Twin space for over two years. [email protected]


The Future of Materials Discovery: Reducing R&D Costs significantly with GenMat’s AI and Machine Learning Tools

When: July 13, 2023 at 11:30am

What: GenMat Webinar

Picture of Jake Vikoren

Jake Vikoren

Company Speaker

Picture of Deep Prasad

Deep Prasad

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Picture of Araceli Venegas

Araceli Venegas

Company Speaker

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