The Rising Role of Digital Twins in Shipping

aerial view of boat on water
aerial view of boat on water

A new study, ‘Shipping Digital Twin Landscape,’ published in the book State-of-the-Art Digital Twin Applications for Shipping Sector Decarbonization, has shed light on digital twins’ current and future impact on the shipping industry.

According to the research, digital twins are becoming more prominent in the shipping industry. Twins are used for fuel maintenance optimization, real-time feedback on ship performance, and even predictive vessel upkeep.

Currently, these twins are being used for several different use cases and require sophisticated data sources for them to work effectively. As the technology becomes more advanced, the study suggests that these twins will become more widely used within the ship industry in the future. Specifically, digital twins will be used to classify autonomous vessels as ships become more advanced. Similarly, these twins will look to become more integrated with smart shipping systems.

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All in all, this study showcases the innovative use case of digital twins in the shipping industry; as the technology becomes more advanced, we should expect further integration with shipping technology. Check out our intelligence platform for more information on the latest digital twin technology.

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When: July 13, 2023 at 11:30am

What: GenMat Webinar

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Jack Boreham

Jack Boreham is the editorial director and account executive at the Digital Twin Insider: the leading digital twin publication globally. Jack has been at the forefront of the platform's growth as a digital twin specialist - writing and advising projects in the Digital Twin space for over two years.


The Future of Materials Discovery: Reducing R&D Costs significantly with GenMat’s AI and Machine Learning Tools

When: July 13, 2023 at 11:30am

What: GenMat Webinar

Picture of Jake Vikoren

Jake Vikoren

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Deep Prasad

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Araceli Venegas

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