In a fascinating webinar hosted by DNV Maritime, Luca Pivano, a principal specialist in dynamic positioning (DP) simulations, control systems and cybernetics advisory, presented the transformative potential of digital twin technology for enhancing DP capabilities. Pivano’s insightful presentation threw light on the various applications and benefits of this cutting-edge approach.
“Typically, when we look at dynamic positioning and simulation with digital twins, we are typically looking into finding the limiting weather condition where the vessel can maintain its position heading,” said Pivano, defining the digital twin concept before further explaining that digital twins enable the virtual representation and prediction of vessel performance, positioning and motion through time-domain simulations and models.
Pivano underlined the wide-ranging applications of digital twins, spanning vessel design, operational planning and risk management.

“We’ve been working quite extensively in offshore wind as well,” he said, stressing the use of digital twins to assess workability and determine when personnel can be safely transferred to offshore wind turbines for maintenance.
In the realm of drilling operations, Pivano illustrated how digital twins are employed to simulate riser forces, enabling operators to predict their operational windows and estimate fuel consumption under various scenarios.
“We also run a campaign for validating our digital twin in South Africa on the VRI on the MK,” he began. “We sat there five days measuring weather, measuring conditions and then we tried to compare what we call the footprint.” This underscores the importance of validating digital twin simulations against real-world data.
As the maritime industry continues its digital transformation, DNV’s digital twin technology emerges as a powerful tool for optimizing DP operations, enhancing safety and improving operational efficiency. By enabling virtual testing, scenario analysis, and data-driven decision-making, digital twins are poised to unlock new frontiers in dynamic positioning and broader maritime operations.
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