EY Metaverse Lab to Celebrate Black Leaders With AI-enabled Metaverse art Installation

Insider brief

  • EY Metaverse Lab has created an AI installation.
  • The installation will celebrate black leaders

NEW YORKFeb. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) today announced it will showcase Ancestral Archives, an interactive multimedia installation by EY Metaverse Lab artist-in-residence Josie Williams at SXSW 2023 that explores infusing Black thought into virtual worlds and metaverse experiences using generative artificial intelligence (AI). Developed in collaboration with EY Metaverse Lab and NEW INC [part of the New Museum], Williams’ work leverages the learning capabilities of deep neural networks to bring Black leaders who inspired her to present-day communities. The thoughtful, physical and digital experience showcases how AI and the metaverse can be harnessed and enriched with the connections, experience and knowledge of the past to create positive human impact and build a better working world.

This installation manifests leaders such as James BaldwinZora Neale HurstAudre Lorde and Octavia Butler as “virtual poets.” Built on a generative AI model that enables original poetic responses inspired by the linguistic styles of the authors, these virtual poets are designed to connect with the next generation of critical thinkers, activists and thought leaders. People can interact with the virtual poets in the metaverse with mask avatars informed by West African culture.

Domhnaill Hernon, Global Lead EY Metaverse Lab, says:

Responsive Image

Ancestral Archives will show the meaningful experiences and connections that can be fostered by fusing the metaverse, AI and the arts. I have learned so much working with Josie and I am thrilled that SXSW audiences will have the opportunity to hear and interact with the stories of these revolutionary Black leaders through this installation.”

Josie Williams, creative technologist and EY Metaverse Lab artist-in-residence, says:

“I wanted to find out what would happen if the words of Black thought leaders were the only reference point for AI. Part of what I am trying to challenge is the default preconception of whose voices are placed into these kinds of systems.”

The EY Metaverse Lab artist-in-residence program brings together artists and engineers to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Williams, for example, is a creative technologist and afro-futurist who focuses on interactive projects that combat bias, social injustice and the use of biometrics for mass surveillance.

Edwina Fitzmaurice, EY Global Chief Customer Success Officer, says:

Ancestral Archives is an important expression of art, technology and social equity that leans into the works of revolutionary Black historical figures to inspire reflection, conversation, learning and action so we can better understand and connect with each other. This kind of work is essential as the boundaries between our physical and virtual worlds increasingly become blurred.”

Along with the installation, EY teams will be participating in various panel discussions at SXSW, including “Arts Keeping Humans at the Center of the Metaverse” on Monday, March 13 at 10 a.m. CT. As the metaverse continues to take shape, the session will focus on why it is imperative to have artists and technologists collaborate to build new virtual worlds that leverage the full scope of human imagination and cognitive diversity.

For more information on, please visit: ey.com/technology

Notes to editors

About EY

EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets.

Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate.

Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals have under data protection legislation are available via ey.com/privacy. EY member firms do not practice law where prohibited by local laws. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

This news release has been issued by EYGM Limited, a member of the global EY organization that also does not provide any services to clients.


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Jack Boreham

Jack Boreham is the editorial director and account executive at the Digital Twin Insider: the leading digital twin publication globally. Jack has been at the forefront of the platform's growth as a digital twin specialist - writing and advising projects in the Digital Twin space for over two years. [email protected]

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